Thursday, April 30, 2009



ADAPT-PT is the industry standard stand-alone program for the design of beam frames, slabs and floor systems post-tensioned with either bonded, or unbonded tendons. For two-way floor systems the user can base the analysis on either the Equivalent Frame Method, or the Simple Frame Method. For the post-tensioning design, the user can select between the Effective Force method and the Variable Force (Tendon Selection) method. In the Variable Force method, the software computes and accounts for the tendons' friction and long-term stress losses along the length of the post-tensioned member. ADAPT-PT can handles drop caps, drop panels, steps above and below, transverse beams and non-prismatic sections. Selfweight is calculated using actual dimensions and material properties. In addition to the post-tensioning amount and profile, the software reports the location and amount of the nonprestressed steel along the length of the structure for the strength and minimum requirements. The solution is presented in a clear and concise tabular form, as well as in graphical format.

Output options also include a graphical summary report of all important design data, ready for transfer to structural drawings and inclusion in structural calculations. The graphical summary includes:

* Elevation of the member with the post-tensioning tendons in place
* The post-tensioning profile, elevation of control points and PT-force/number of strands
* Location, length and number of nonprestressed bars required over the entire member length
* Outcome of the one-way or punching shear design
* Designer's comments
* DXF output

Flexibility in selection of cross-sectional geometry makes this software suitable for design of box girder bridges, and I-girders in addition to traditional building and parking structures. ADAPT-PT is fast, easy to master, and is the choice of production-oriented consulting engineers around the world.

ADAPT-PT is offered in two versions, a low cost version referred to as "Standard" and a "Plus" version. The two programs are identical except that the Standard version is limited to 5 spans and two cantilevers. The Plus version goes up to 20 spans and two cantilevers.

ADAPT-PT is a stand-alone program. But, when used together with ADAPT-Builder, it can receive input data generated graphically in Builder's 3D Modeling environment.

The program comes supports the following design codes:
* ACI-318 (1999 and 2005)
* IBC (International Building Code) 2006
* British-BS8110 (1997)
* Canadian-A23.3 (1994)
* Canadian-A23.3 (2004) - New
* Australian-AS3600 (2001)
* Brazilian-NBR6118 (2001)
* Indian IS456 (2005 reprint) - New
* European EC2 (2004) - New

The program supports the following units:
* SI
* American Customary

Hardware Requirements
* PC compatible computer
* Windows operating system
* Minimum of 128 MB RAM
* 10 GB hard drive

Download Link


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